Send a Thank You to PETA’s Investigators

Dear Ones, I know it can be difficult to hear about the appalling cruelty exposed by PETA's eyewitness investigations: elephants beaten with bullhooks ... horses drugged and electro-shocked ... cats tormented in secret experiments. But imagine what it's like to have to stand there as the abuse is happening—to know you must stay silent when you hear the animals' terrified cries, to not look away as they shriek in pain, and to work side by side with the very people responsible for causing that [Read more...]

Jains Need to Ask About the Menu at Cheesecake Factory, Vegetarian Options are Limited

This was an email sent to Pramodaben Chitrabhanu that she requested be posted: I was just recently at the Cheesecake Factory (a place where I know many of the youngsters enjoy dining and was informed that there are almost NO true vegetarian options at this establishment.  They have pastas that are made with a chicken or beef stock.   There is one pasta on the menu, Evelyns pasta and the side order of macaroni and cheese that are truly vegetarian.  But items such as four cheese pasta or [Read more...]