Audio – Thoughts are Colorless Crystals
New audio uploaded, Jain Master Gurudev Chitrabhanu. July 19, 2006 – JMIC, New York, NY Thoughts are Colorless Crystals, Mind Gives Color – Listen You'll find this under Audio/2006. Enjoy!
New audio uploaded, Jain Master Gurudev Chitrabhanu. July 19, 2006 – JMIC, New York, NY Thoughts are Colorless Crystals, Mind Gives Color – Listen You'll find this under Audio/2006. Enjoy!
Sharks are in big trouble. 100 million a year are being killed by humans, largely for shark fin soup. Recently, after being linked to an illegally harvested shipment of fins, American Airlines announced they would no longer take part in the global shark fin trade. Watch this video to learn more about shark finning, then sign my petition urging UPS to take a similar step, and help protect sharks today. I am a veteran, and started diving for therapeutic reasons. The first time I was in the water [Read more...]
Stop Trophy Hunting Giraffes Sign Nyack's Petition meet the petition author Nyack Clancy New York, New York Tana, One of the world's most striking animals is in trouble, and instead of coming together to save it, this Earth Day, a debate is raging across social media on whether it's acceptable to kill giraffes for selfies. Sign our [Read more...]
US taxpayers pay $16 billion dollars each year on deadly and cruel experiments to animals. This year alone, dozens of BABY monkeys at the National Institutes of Health Laboratory in Maryland will be bred to be prone to mental illness. By strengthening PETA's work you can help save more than 100 million animals. Recently PETA's work has freed elephants from the cruel existence in circuses as Ringling Brothers will stop using elephants in their circus acts. Ticket sales for circuses are [Read more...]